Germinal Immediate Action Dry Skin 5 ampoules

You are unique and your skin too. For this reason, Germinal has created a specific revitalizer in the form of ampoules for those skins that are especially sensitive and fragile due to their extreme dryness.
Germinal Immediate Action Dry Skin incorporates a significantly higher percentage of natural moisturizing factor, so that you can enjoy in just a few minutes a luminous and smooth skin, erasing any traces of fatigue.
Your face deserves this powerful instant vitalizer especially indicated for dry skin that you can find in pharmacies and parapharmacies in boxes of 5 ampoules.
Germinal Immediate Action Dry Skin incorporates a significantly higher percentage of natural moisturizing factor, so that you can enjoy in just a few minutes a luminous and smooth skin, erasing any traces of fatigue.
Your face deserves this powerful instant vitalizer especially indicated for dry skin that you can find in pharmacies and parapharmacies in boxes of 5 ampoules.

- Reference8430445199212
- BrandGerminal
Customer Reviews
Germinal Immediate Action Dry Skin 5 ampoules